Sunday, August 16, 2009


1/2 cup murmure or roasted rice puffs
4 tbsp roasted peanuts
4 tbsp sev
4 tbsp papri
4 tbsp potato chips
1 tsp chaat masala
Salt to taste
1-2 chopped green chilly
1 chopped onion
1 chopped boiled potato
Mint chutney
Tamarind or imli chutney


First saute rice puffs in a heated pan with ghee and turmeric powder so that it becomes crisp
Take out the rice puffs and allow it to cool
Now add all the above ingredients to the rice puff and mix well
Put mint and tamarind chutney as per your taste
Put the mixture in a plate and sprinkle it with chat masala, sev and coriander leaves
Your Mumbaiya Bhelpuri is ready to be eaten

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