Sunday, April 26, 2009

Warm Welcome to Served Hott - My Food Blog

Warm Welcome to Served Hott- My Food Blog. A homemaker for around three decades I was quite fond of making dishes in the kitchen, all thanks to the food genes of my mother which I fortunately inherited though the same cannot be said about my sister. I never got any formal degree in food and catering (you only need a degree if you want to land yourself a job) and I feel you don’t need any formal degree if you have the passion for it!!

On my food blog I will be coming up with various recipes cooked at home by me which would give you a chance to try them at your home and I hope you do that J. Also I would be talking about any nice eating joints or any other food I manage to eat from outside the domain of my kitchen. In case you do prepare any of the food recipes posted by me do leave your experiences in the comment section as it would help in boosting my morale to continue blogging about my food journey which has been going on non stop for more than three decades.

Till then keep cooking!!!

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